Middlesbrough Angling Club – January/February Roundup. Club news, notices, points of interest & information for members discussed at our January Committee Meeting (held Monday 27th January 2025)
- The first MAC meeting of the new year saw several changes and new faces on the committee following appointment by the club members at the AGM. Steve Watkins brings valuable experience to the position of club Secretary, long standing committee member Dale Conway moves into the role of Membership Secretary with Martin Metcalfe stepping into Dale’s previous position as Fisheries Officer at Hutton Rudby Ponds. David Horsfield is appointed Fisheries Officer at Marske Reservoir and Martin White completes the general committee – The aim is to always have a consistent and cohesive committee with a wide-range of skills and experience working voluntarily on behalf of the club members – it was unfortunate that the second half of 2024 saw some departures from the committee that slowed down progress in some areas but as ever we are working hard behind the scenes on our various duties.
- The committee wishes to thank and recognise the many years of outstanding, dedicated service to the club given by departing Secretary, Steve Thomas. Steve had to reluctantly leave the post at the end of last year after his appointment over a decade ago. Steve has been an ever-present, highly thought of representative of the club over this time and on behalf of all club members we wish him all the best and tight lines.
- MARSKE RESERVOIR MAJOR WORKS – The major remedial works to overhaul the majority of the pegs at the reservoir are due to begin this month (Feb) The works – that were outlined as a priority objective by the club last year due to the deterioration of the pegs and potential for a risk to health and safety – will be done on a peg by peg basis to keep any closure of the reservoir to a minimum. During times when work is taking place members are asked to take care around the site, stay clear of taped off areas and keep walkways and gateway access clear for machinery and deliveries. Notice of dates/times of ongoing work will be communicated through the club Facebook page and website – it is expected the work will take several months to complete due to the scale of the project and unpredictable weather conditions – any inconvenience will be worth it in the end! – Work parties and opportunities for members to get involved will follow once initial pegs are completed. In addition to the £7500 match funding from the Environment Agency Fisheries Improvement Fund and £1000 from PD ports the club Secretary will investigate further funding options for improvement of remaining pegs.
- MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 2025 – Membership subscriptions are now due and must be paid no later than March 31st at Anglers Choice (M’Bro) Cleveland Angling (Thornaby) Keith Sports (Saltburn) or by post. After this time reapplication for membership will be necessary – Members are reminded they must not fish club waters until their membership has been renewed.
- For any membership queries please contact MAC Membership Secretary, Dale Conway – Anglers Choice, 98 Cumberland Rd, Middlesbrough TS5 6PW. Tel. 01642 899 288 email: MAC-Membership@outlook.com
- NEW MEMBER APPLICATIONS – To become a new member of the club membership application forms are available from the Club Membership Secretary, Dale Conway (details above). Application form can also be accessed via the membership page of the MAC website – https://middlesbroughanglingclub.co.uk *PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY FORM OF PAYMENT WITH THE FORM – New applicants will be contacted by the Membership Secretary when the current renewal period is over*
- HUTTON RUDBY PONDS – Fisheries Officer reports the ponds were settling down after high water levels saw several pegs underwater and un-fishable. It was decided that the Fisheries Officer would investigate new ways of deterring airborne predators, to be employed during the winter months when less anglers are present. New peg numbers have been fitted and general upkeep work continues as the weather improves with work party dates to follow.
- HUTTON RUDBY GATE – The club continues to work with the legal arm of the Angling Trust, Fish Legal – Members are once again assured the committee are exploring every option available to restore suitable, reasonable access for ALL members.
- FISH STOCKING – The agreed stocking policy for Hutton Rudby Ponds will continue with the addition of further delivery of fish hopefully in late February/early March when there is more angling activity to deter potential predation of the new stock. As a comprehensive netting of Marske Reservoir to attain stock levels is not possible the club will rely on members catch reports and competition results before finalising an agreed stocking policy to be put into action on successful completion of major works this year.
- LOCKWOOD BECK & SCALING DAM – The club will be renewing it’s current agreement with Northumbrian Water/Waterside Parks allowing fishing rights for our members at both Lockwood Beck and Scaling Dam reservoirs – Lockwood Beck received a further boost from a stocking by the Environment Agency from the fish farm at Calverton in December – 1900 fish, Roach, Skimmers, Crucians & Tench – which will no doubt improve what is already a great natural venue for mixed silver fishing.
- RIVERS TEES & SWALE – Jeff has been working on pegs at new stretches of the middle Tees acquired by the club last year at East Sockburn Farm (Duffers) and Girsby – I have managed to update the maps page on the MAC website to include these stretches and improved access at the clubs existing water upstream of Low Dinsdale at the Ashes with the addition of What3Words locations (a handy App for all anglers) – At the time of writing there is still a bit of work to do on the maps to make sure upstream and downstream limit are accurate etc – The committee has identified and agreed that there needs to be a greater emphasis on promoting the excellent running water portfolio the club has and will prioritise resources to this end – https://middlesbroughanglingclub.co.uk/maps/
- M.A.C. COMPETITIONS 2025 – All Middlesbrough Angling Club Match dates for 2025 have been finalised and agreed including an extension from 3 to 4 rounds for the Lockwood Beck Masters Series and an additional ‘King of Lockwood’ 2 Day Festival on the venue in June – All still and running water match dates will be published in due course on the MAC Facebook & Website.
- THE MAC MEMBER SURVEY – In order to measure satisfaction, identify areas for improvement and enhance our members angling experience the committee will be conducting a member survey later this year – we hope to deliver this digitally alongside other technical improvements to the website etc and hope to involve as many of the clubs members as possible – giving a detailed insight to inform committee decisions going forward.
- M.A.C. MEMBERSHIP CHECKS – Club Fisheries Officers and water keepers with club accredited identification are in place to carry out club membership card checks and ensure club rules are adhered to – please don’t be offended if you are asked to produce your membership and reel in so rigs can be checked – For insurance purposes no member should bring non-members on to club waters.
- LOCK IT & LITTER! – As always please keep gates locked and once again TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME WITH YOU – The committee is aware only a small minority of our membership are to blame for the litter collected and reported by our Fisheries officers – The club policy on litter is simple – Anyone found to be leaving litter will leave the club.
- If you are braving the cold and getting out fishing this winter keep the catch reports and catch pictures coming on the M.A.C. Private members Facebook group – Please use an unhooking mat and suitable sling / landing net.
Tight Lines! M.A.C. Committee.